parshat Toldot
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The weekly lesson of Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed
Belief Solely in the Merciful G-d
The Midrash (Bereishit Rabba 63:2) says on the Pasuk, “So said Hashem to the house of Yaakov, who redeemed Avraham” (Yeshaya 29:22) that Avraham was saved from the furnace into which he was thrown in the merit of Yaakov. What makes Yaakov so great? -
Eisav, the Social Philosopher
How could Eisav have succeeded in fooling his father to think he was worthy of blessings? -
The Left Hand Should Push Away and the Right Draw Close
As the two brothers, Yaakov and Eisav, were born and developed, Israel’s constant tension vis a vis Eisav’s descendants was set for generations. The struggle began with the prophecy before their birth that “one nation will overcome the other nation” (Bereishit 25:23).Let’s look at Hashem’s part in all of this. Rivka was barren and needed a miracle to conceive. Why did the miracle include a twin brother, who anyway is not part of the Chosen Nation? -
Better Late … Period!
The Talmud begins with a discussion of night (regarding Kri’at Shema). Creation started at night (Bereishit 1:5). Night precedes day. There are two philosophies in this matter: the Jewish and the non-Jewish. Whatever includes more complexity requires more preparatory time. Whoever is preparing for a more important position must work longer for it. We find, in terms of different periods, that the world we live in is like the night (Pesachim 2b), in which we prepare for the world to come, which is like the day. “It is for us to do [the mitzvot] today and receive their reward tomorrow (in the next world)” (Eiruvin 22a).
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